Friday, January 14, 2011

"Intruders" - some practice work

This piece was supposed to only be a sketch - something to warm up and try something new. But then It evolved into this thing I spent about 20 some odd hours on, haha.

I sought some feedback on two popular artist forums, and - which was really helpful and helped me see a lot in the picture I wouldn't have otherwise.

Here's the progress over the course of last week:

Overall, I'm at the point I usually am when I spend this much time on one piece of work - I dislike it. I see all the things I could have done with it and none of the good stuff. In 3 months I'll like it again and it will be fine as it usually is, but ah well. :)

Additionally, while I really enjoy spending time in those two websites I mentioned - great artists, really good learning experience, and good feedback - it's been a little discouraging as well, as I see just how much I have to learn.

Maybe I just need to focus on the things I really enjoy and expand from there - people, portraits, pin-ups. But definitely more original art. I have a few unfinished WoW pieces that are going to stay that way for a while as I work on some more original concepts. But man, that well is awfully dry. It's been unused for way too long.

Thanks as usual,

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