Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Genkigeek - Part 1: Sketch to Lineart

Woohoo! This time, I recorded the process from the very beginning. This is the first part, from sketch to pre-color ("lineart", but I cant really call it lineart anymore... its much more than that!)

This picture is part of a blog design I'm working on... more on that after part 2. :)

Time spent so far - ~70 mins?
Click picture for larger view.

Please enjoy!

Genkigeek - Part 1: Sketch to Lineart from kristi b on Vimeo.

Video Length: ~10 mins
Speed: 600% normal speed
Medium: Photoshop CS4

Music: The Third Eye by Pillows, Gold by Lamb

Part 1 of 2 on recording a piece of art from start to finish. I did switch computers midway and missed a slot, hence the fadein. I also couldn't find appropriate music for the last 30 seconds or so - sorry! I'll plan that out better next time ;)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Photoshop Inking Video: Nym


I realized I never posted this video here. I did this a few months back -- hopefully I'll have time to create another video sometime soon.

The sketch was done in pencil (I dont do that often, honestly), and the inking was done in Photoshop CS5, with a Wacom Intuos tablet.

Pencil to Lineart - Nym from kristi b on Vimeo.